
Archive for October, 2009

a glorious mess.

October 31, 2009 2 comments

I thought it’s about time to post some new pics of the apartment in all it’s glorious mess. So, here they are. The wife wanted me to wait until the place was clean, but you know, this is us. We LIVE here so from time to time, things get dirty. Jeanette’s planning on hanging some photos and stuff on the walls soon to get it more of a ‘homey’ feel.

Not trying to get all deep or philosophical, Lord knows I shouldn’t even attempt that. But I keep thinking about the words I typed earlier, ‘glorious mess’. They seem to do a pretty good job of describing how I feel at the moment. Can’t really explain it all at the moment, but I just have this sense of my imperfection. I know that I was created in the image of a perfect God and that makes me glorious, but I also know that sometimes I’m just a mess. I guess if I wasn’t a mess, I wouldn’t need God so much…

God is good. Thanks for reminding me Jim.

Oh, go check out Cory Asbury. His song My Beloved is rocking my face off!

Categories: Uncategorized

I decided to get us a blog…

October 30, 2009 1 comment

So, I have friends who blog and have always been attracted to the idea of blogging, but I’ve never actually tried it with any consistency. So here goes, I’m gonna blog. Yep, I’ve made up my mind while sitting here at Panera with my wife eating lunch and grabbing some free wifi.

I look forward to the future post and telling all who read about what’s going on in my/our life in addition to just random thoughts and pretty much just whatever comes to mind.

Categories: Uncategorized


October 30, 2009 1 comment

I realized the other day while having dinner with my wife, that the guy who invented the toaster gets no love. I mean, the microwave in all it’s flashiness and the toaster oven with it’s robust cooking ability, they get all of the hype. But to me, my kitchen MVP goes to the toaster (after the blender, of course). It’s a simple but genius invention. It toast things like bagels or waffles and of course toast, all in mere seconds. You can’t toast in the microwave! Don’t even bother trying. It doesn’t work. And the toaster oven? That big ad clunky thing, while sometimes useful, can’t keep up with the ol’ tried and true kitchen MVP, the toaster. So let’s give credit where credit is due. Here’s to you Mr. Pop-Up Toaster Inventor!!! Well done Sir, Well done.

Categories: Uncategorized